Suggested weekend reading:
Arianna Huffington's Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating
a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder puts the overworked and overstressed professional into perspective of being intensely harmful and unproductive. This book makes a strong case for the fact we are not benefiting our organizations or ourselves when we work late to just finish a couple more emails or to wrap up a project that will otherwise weigh on the brain. Thrive is a fascinating read for
those of us A-types that work to exceed expectations and helps us to rethink
our definition of success beyond money and power goals. It's full of insights
that can make a real difference at work and (more importantly) in our lives.
Bonus: the three (!) appendices include specific site, app, and podcast recommendations to further explore the practices of meditation, mindfulness, unplugging and giving. Enjoy this book and your weekend!