Suggested weekend reading OR great gift idea for your boss and co-workers:
Looking for something easy to read that will provide quick clarity on business? Rework, by Basecamp founders Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson,
is not newly released - in fact, it's one of those books that has been out for a
while but stands the test of time. It is a brief book full of artwork to illustrate
points made, but it's written so that you can read it within a few hours (perfect
for a plane ride). It is full of simple messages with zero fluff about how to
modernize business today. Rework makes a terrific gift for fellow employees
as it encourages a streamlined operation focused on profitability and
sustainability. It might make it possible for your boss to see that working
remotely and reasonable hours can generate stronger morale and better productivity. Reading Rework may also open your eyes to one thing you could
be handling differently. It provides a fresh outlook on possibilities for
improvement - without having to invest a ton of time or money.