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Background facts


What would you consider to be your job title and what industry are you a part of?


My job title is Digital Content Manager and I work in the finance industry. I started almost 8 months ago to develop the social media program and I also manage all of our internal communications, such as our Intranet, employee emails ... any communication to connect team members and give them updates. It's a busy role.

What drew you towards your career in marketing, especially so focused in social media?



What school did you go to?



Who or what do you believe has been the strongest influence of your own personal style?


My favorite eras, time periods, are the 20s and 40s. The 20s has that classy element and the 40s shapes are more flattering on me. I really like classy and classic looks, but I also enjoy mixed patterns and color. I just love color.




Dress code


How do you determine what you're going to wear to work each day? Do you have a typical work look?


I wear a lot of dresses. I like skirts and dresses more than pants. I feel free, not confined. People always comment on the fact that I wear lots of dresses. How do I determine my work look? My mood plays a big part into what I wear. I'll usually pick an outfit out in the evening before work so it's ready to go when I get up, and then depending on how I feel in the morning, I may mix a couple pieces or simply change my mind. It also depends on what's going on during the day - such as meeting with a vendor or having an internal event where I am going to be photographing and walking around all day.


Heels or flats?



Where do you shop for your work wardrobe and when do you find the time?



Do you shop more in-person, as opposed to online?


Where do you shop for shoes?



Do you have anything that's currently on your wish list for either clothes or accessories?



What type of daily tote/bag do you use

and what is inside?



What is something you wear that instills

more confidence on days when you don't

quite feel yourself?



Lipstick or lip gloss?



What is the most important part of your beauty routine that you feel helps complete your look?



What's your mani/pedi style?


Is there a particular hair product that you always use?



Do you have standard jewelry go-to pieces?






Daily commute


What do you do in the morning that helps you prepare for the day ahead?


What type of car do you drive?


Do you listen to any music while you're at work, maybe under headphones?






What is your typical morning beverage?


I make coffee with cream before I get to

work. I usually have that and a glass of

water as soon as I wake up, and then

I feel awake.


What does your typical workday look like?



When you go into meetings, what essentials do you need to have with you?



How do you handle job-related stress?


I try not to take it home. It's a mindset. I think you can choose to dwell on the stressful situation or not. If I'm under a deadline or project stress, it usually makes me work a little faster, and then when I go home, I work out or do a hobby or something I enjoy doing to not think about it. I really like what I'm doing and I love my team. I also believe that you'll never find a perfect company. There is going to be a hiccup anywhere you go. So, it's really my choice to make the best of what I can control.


What are some of your work pet peeves?


I don't like going to meetings without an agenda. I feel like it is kind of vague and I don't know what we are trying to accomplish and I don't leave with takeaways.


What is your happiest moment at work?





Desk drawer


How would you describe your workspace?


What would you say is your favorite office supply and why?



Target, I love that.



Do you have anything on your wish list for the décor in your


How do you organize your desk space?



What is a work tool that's a must-have for you (app, hardware or software)?



How do you prioritize and manage your email inbox?


I create folders within the inbox, and then check messages daily, and go back through it weekly. It bothers me to have notifications of unread emails, so I just try to take care of it. If an email needs a response, and I have to come back to it, I'll leave it as unread. Then I can just go back and if I didn't get to it yet, scan for unread messages and respond to them quickly. But sometimes it's not a quick response. Sometimes I have to finish a project, download or research something in order to write a response. If it's something that I know will be longer then a day or two, then I take it off and put it on my to do list. When I see all the email numbers, I view it like tasks and I want to decrease my tasks. So if I know the answer, I respond and get it done. If it's a password or something I'll need later, then I move it to a folder. It's a system that works for me.






What is your secret to achieving your daily objectives?



How do you stay on top of industry news or your career?



Are there organizations that you're a part of for that, too?


Do you have a mentor?


What advice have you received in your professional life that has really stuck with you?


Do you have a work motto?







What do you do during your downtime

to refresh and recharge yourself?


I do lots of things and have lots of interests. I love Zumba and

salsa dancing. I love to dance. I love music, so listening, or even

singing - I've been in choirs off and on. Not currently. Then, to

even relax more, I'll take a bubble bath, read a book, flip through

a magazine, watch a good movie, or even just hang out with

close friends - something chill to take my mind off of things.

People are energizing to me.


How important has traveling been for you personally?



Where do you hope to travel to next?



How did your parents influence your career?


My father owns an insurance agency and my parents work together there. They are constantly interfacing with customers and helping people. They are both very hard workers. He literally built the business from the ground up. It was very grueling and took a couple of years to really get it going. They are very loyal to their customers. They're very passionate about providing exceptional customer service and people stick with them because they treat them really well. We've had a lot of business owners in my family, even my grandparents and cousins. Our family has a very strong work ethic and I have seen first hand how treating people fairly and with honesty has a huge impact on customers and a business. You can find bad customer service anywhere, but it's exceptional when you find great customer service. My family taught me how to treat people.

April's tips for enhancing your career through social media:

1. Be considerate of the content that you post on ANY social site, including images on Facebook, Instagram, etc. Just ensure that you are

    completely comfortable that the images really enhance your persona. I suggest separating your audiences for protection of your social

    media persona. For example, you could setup your Facebook profile for family and friends and setup Twitter as a business social network

    that you share with coworkers and experts in your industry. Know your industry and be considerate of what a client or employer would

    appreciate seeing.

2. Try to avoid sounding negative about your current employment situation. Your comment may sound funny at the moment, but your future

    employer may take snarky remarks as a reason to avoid hiring you. Also, refrain from posting any work related content that would be

    considered private company information.

3. Conduct a regular online audit of yourself and monitor what is being published about you. Search your name on Google and other search

    engines routinely to see how employers view you. You can also setup a Google alert with your name, which will send you an email

    the reports and your email address.

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